Friday, May 17, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Colin, Ember and Kevin came to Kanosh for some needed R-N-R at the Rockin-N-Ranch.

Colin is checking out the grandchild sleeping loft. Kevin and Megan looking on.

We decided that what Kevin really needed to relieve his stress from finishing up a hard semester of school, was a good work day.  So we (Dan, Janna and Megan) met up with them during there stay, for some good ole farm work.

Our new four acre pasture has been sorely neglected for years.  The first thing that needed to be done was to clean out the irrigation ditch. 

We removed two large trailer loads of brush just to get to the ditch.

Almost done here, but first we used the backhoe to remove most of the dirt in the ditch and then we hand shoveled the rest. A full days work.

A few days later it was our turn for water on the Kanosh irrigation system.

With a little last minute debris removal, we had water to the pasture.

A fun day, the goats will enjoy this during the summer.

The next project was mowing all of the nice green weeds on the front lot and orchard area.  Some day maybe this will be some nice grass.

The tilled area in the background is our 1/2 acre(approx.) experimental water melon patch. Kevin helped me plant it during his visit.  We will keep you posted on it's progress.

We also got started on the vegetable garden, with potatoes, green beans, corn and tomatoes.  Not all are pictured here.  We also got four more fruit trees planted in the orchard area.

Last but not least, I gave our little lawn area it's first mowing.


  1. So beautiful! And what hard work you all are putting into this. I would die in five minutes. But the payoff is spectacular! I would love to visit someday.

  2. I feel like I stay up to date rather will the ranch but then everytime I see it again it looks completely different! It's truly an amazing place. I'm glad that Kevin is able to help out every once and a while since I am of no use. Haha. -Lorraine

  3. Years ago, living in Washington........who woulda thunk that you and Dan would be farming in Urah!
