Our master plan included a round about for easy maneuvering when pulling trailers and the such. So it seemed like the perfect home for our little Baker lavender plants to start their new lives.
Side note: Since their planting, the first week of April, Kanosh has had two late spring snow storms and some 20 degree nights. We are hoping, no praying, for their survival.
We also planted a small patch of grass in front of the Cabarn which is struggling from the cold. Plus we are preparing for a larger patch of grass to the north.
Inside progress pictures as of 4/13/13
East end, of our one room cabin, front door and door to the barn area.
West end, kitchen area, closet, loft and behind the closet is the bathroom. Does that make it a two room cabin?
April 17, I added a solar panel. So now I can just leave my two 12 volt batteries to be charged by sun power instead of bringing them home to St. George to charge them. Plus now I can stay longer than just a couple of days and not have to worry about the batteries.
I also began working on the kitchen cabinets
and finished up the corrugated metal heat shield at the wood stove area.
Dang awesome. Do you even know that lavender is my #1 love of my life? I never knew that you all had so many lavender plants in St. George, otherwise I would've taken a few for myself. Ha!