Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Work Begins

Shortly after closing on the property on July 11, 2011, we began to do a little clean up.  The front portion of the nearly 17 acre property is a 2/3 acre city lot.  One of the neighbors, who is about my age, remembers at the age of around 10, having a friend that lived there on that city lot.  There used to be a little house that his friend lived in.  He remembers that back then, about 40 years ago, that the little house that was there was very, very old.  He remembered after playing with and getting very dirty with his friend one day that they had to take a bath.  He remembers the family living there only having empty flour bags as towels.  He also remembered that the walnut trees in the front yard were also very old and mostly dead, even back then.  At any rate, when we bought the property, the house was already gone and we needed to begin a little clean up.  We started by removing the two standing, and one fallen, 100 year old black walnut trees.  There was also a very old concrete walkway leading from the front gate that is still standing.  We removed the old concrete but, think we are going to leave the gate in place to remind us of the past and our place in the present.

Of course after doing a little work, we took some time to play in the nearby creek.

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