September: Installed 4 inch sewer line, connecting the cabarn to the inlet side of the previously installed septic tank. I must have straightened it up before back fill.
Also ran the 1 inch water line from the 2 inch main line installed last fall.
The end of Sept. or the first part of Oct. I built and installed two doors.
The doors are made of knotty pine.
I am still trying to come up with some interesting latching hardware.
The plan for October was to get things cleaned up, finish grading, place concrete and gravel, etc. Now if the weather gets bad and things get muddy we should be okay.
Mom, was in charge of finishing the curb around the barn area. She did a great job and I would have been in trouble without her help.
We did a non-typical stamp pattern on the front porch.
After back filling and spreading some gravel, it is starting to look pretty good.
I will have to get a better picture of the graveling.
Fall is upon us, so that means taking time to make a trip up the canyon.
Red and yellow leaves, fire roasted hot dogs, and some family to enjoy them with; what could be better?
all of our family here together.