Sunday, March 25, 2012

Barn Rafters

The weather forecast looked good for the next three days.  I refreshed Janna on how to feed the goats, the horse and the cows.  I loaded up some rafter materials and the rest of the cedar fence posts that have been piled up next to the driveway for the last couple of months, and I loaded up a little camping gear.  I thought I could get away, get some work done on the Kanosh barn, camp out and just enjoy the farm.

After a long day of loading up, driving, unloading and getting started on the roof framing, I was rewarded with about 60 seconds of a beautiful wave of golden light.  The afternoon had become a little cloudy, which was good, I was boiling. Then as the sun was going down it descended below the clouds and washed the landscape with horizontal rays of golden sunlight.  The picture does not capture the serenity of the moment.

The end of the first day, the ridge is up, the main rafters are figured out and I am dead.

Due to over exertion the previous day, I was moving rather slowly the morning of the second day of my relaxing / working trip to Kanosh.  I decided to do something a little less physical than hefting 2x10 rafters up the 10 foot ladder to the catwalk which will eventually be the loft floor.  So I got on the Yanmar and rototilled the future corn patch.

I found lots of ancient artifacts.

After tilling the garden area, I set a few gopher traps, sprayed some of the weeds around the new trees and then I got back to the barn.  Janna had called and said that Kevin was thinking  he may be able to come down again for the day on Saturday.  So I got the rafters over the room side of the barn figured out and cut most all of the rafters, getting them all ready to be lifted up and installed.  I was hoping Kevin would come and save my life.

Luckily Kevin showed up bright and early Saturday morning.

By Saturday afternoon it is looking less like a green wooden post version of Stonehenge and more like a barn.

The barn, the garden and some little blossoms on the apricot tree.  I am sure the blossoms are much too early to survive.

Overall, not too relaxing, but I was able to get rid of some itchiness to get more done at the RNR.


  1. Looks fun! Hope we get to see it someday!

  2. You are such a hard worker! Kelly was saying he can't believe your doing all this at your age. You're out of control in shape. I'm so glad Kevin could come down and help you. Someday Kelly will be able to as well. It is starting to really shape up and look truly like a rockin' ranch!

  3. I am sooo impressed!! Who woulda thunk it! Way to go Dan the Farmer Man!

  4. I am following your blog now!!! I am so excited to see your progress and all that happenings around your new ranch. Very impressive. Thanks for letting me tag along! Everything looks beautiful and I know you are working really hard to get things going. Great job!
