Sunday, December 11, 2011

Starting the Barn or Cabarn (Cabin/Barn)

The day before Thanksgiving we were at the farm cleaning and buttoning things up for the winter.  Before we left we laid out for the barn, just in case the weather held out.

I guess we got bored during Thanksgiving. The Saturday following we got up early and hustled back to the farm to get started.

We worked untill after dark to get the first four (12 foot) posts set.

The next weekend we did not work due to bad weather.  I made a few trips during the two weeks and got the next eight holes dug.  I also changed my strategy and poured the concrete in the holes prior to setting the posts.  They were just too heavy to work with, as shown above.  On one of my hole digging trips I took some nice snow pics, I will post some of those soon.

Saturday Dec. 10th we returned to set 8 more (16 foot) posts.

It takes a lot of tamping when trying to backfill and compact 8 four foot deep holes.

I came back on Monday (12/12/11) to finish backfilling and compacting around the post, plum and line and brace everything off for the winter.


  1. Who can lift those posts and place them and do all that work by theirselves? That is AMAZING! Worlds strongest Dad. It's so exciting to get some kind of structure going on the property. Kelly always talks about Kanosh and wishes so bad he had more time and could come and help and work. Maybe soon.

  2. this is amazing!!! I guess we just may have to come to Kanash for a visit/motorcycle ride soon!!!! So DAN THE MAN, is now DAN THE FARMER!!!!
